Running a benchmark suite

Use benchmarkpkg to run benchmarks defined in a suite as defined in the previous section.

benchmarkpkg(pkg, [target]::Union{String, BenchmarkConfig}; kwargs...)

Run a benchmark on the package pkg using the BenchmarkConfig or git identifier target. Examples of git identifiers are commit shas, branch names, or e.g. "HEAD~1". Return a BenchmarkResults.

The argument pkg can be the module of a package, a package name, or the path to the package's root directory.

Keyword arguments:

  • script - The script with the benchmarks, if not given, defaults to benchmark/benchmarks.jl in the package folder.
  • postprocess - A function to post-process results. Will be passed the BenchmarkGroup, which it can modify, or return a new one.
  • resultfile - If set, saves the output to resultfile
  • retune - Force a re-tune, saving the new tuning to the tune file.
  • verbose::Bool = true - Print currently running benchmark.
  • logger_factory - Specify the logger used during benchmark. It is a callable object (typically a type) with no argument that creates a logger. It must exist as a constant in some package (e.g., an anonymous function does not work).
  • progressoptions - Deprecated.

The result can be used by functions such as judge. If you choose to, you can save the results manually using writeresults where results is the return value of this function. It can be read back with readresults.

Example invocations:

using PkgBenchmark

import MyPkg
benchmarkpkg(MyPkg) # run the benchmarks at the current state of the repository
benchmarkpkg(MyPkg, "my-feature") # run the benchmarks for a particular branch/commit/tag
benchmarkpkg(MyPkg, "my-feature"; script="/home/me/mycustombenchmark.jl")
benchmarkpkg(MyPkg, BenchmarkConfig(id = "my-feature",
                                            env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => 4),
                                            juliacmd = `julia -O3`))
benchmarkpkg(MyPkg,  # Run the benchmarks and divide the (median of) results by 1000
    postprocess=(results)->(results["g"] = median(results["g"])/1_000)

The results of a benchmark is returned as a BenchmarkResults:


Stores the results from running the benchmarks on a package.

The following (unexported) methods are defined on a BenchmarkResults (written below as results):

  • name(results)::String - The commit of the package benchmarked
  • commit(results)::String - The commit of the package benchmarked. If the package repository was dirty, the string "dirty" is returned.
  • juliacommit(results)::String - The commit of the Julia executable that ran the benchmarks
  • benchmarkgroup(results)::BenchmarkGroup - a BenchmarkGroup contaning the results of the benchmark.
  • date(results)::DateTime - The time when the benchmarks were executed
  • benchmarkconfig(results)::BenchmarkConfig - The BenchmarkConfig used for the benchmarks.

BenchmarkResults can be exported to markdown using the function export_markdown.


More advanced customization

Instead of passing a commit, branch etc. as a String to benchmarkpkg, a BenchmarkConfig can be passed

BenchmarkConfig(;id::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing,
                 juliacmd::Cmd = `joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.julia_exename())`,
                 env::Dict{String, Any} = Dict{String, Any}())

A BenchmarkConfig contains the configuration for the benchmarks to be executed by benchmarkpkg.

This includes the following:

  • The commit of the package the benchmarks are run on.
  • What julia command should be run, i.e. the path to the Julia executable and

the command flags used (e.g. optimization level with -O).

  • Custom environment variables (e.g. JULIA_NUM_THREADS).

The constructor takes the following keyword arguments:

  • id - A git identifier like a commit, branch, tag, "HEAD", "HEAD~1" etc. If id == nothing then benchmark will be done on the current state of the repo (even if it is dirty).
  • juliacmd - Used to execute the benchmarks, defaults to the julia executable that the Pkgbenchmark-functions are called from. Can also include command flags.
  • env - Contains custom environment variables that will be active when the benchmarks are run.


julia> using Pkgbenchmark

julia> BenchmarkConfig(id = "performance_improvements",
                       juliacmd = `julia -O3`,
                       env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => 4))
    id: performance_improvements
    juliacmd: `julia -O3`
    env: JULIA_NUM_THREADS => 4

This object contains the package commit, julia command, and what environment variables will be used when benchmarking. The default values can be seen by using the default constructor

julia> BenchmarkConfig()
    id: nothing
    juliacmd: `/home/user/julia/julia`

The id is a commit, branch etc as described in the previous section. An id with value nothing means that the current state of the package will be benchmarked. The default value of juliacmd is joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, Base.julia_exename() which is the command to run the julia executable without any command line arguments.

To instead benchmark the branch PR, using the julia command julia -O3 with the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS set to 4, the config would be created as

julia> config = BenchmarkConfig(id = "PR",
                                juliacmd = `julia -O3`,
                                env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => 4))
    id: "PR"
    juliacmd: `julia -O3`
    env: JULIA_NUM_THREADS => 4

To benchmark the package with the config, call benchmarkpkg as e.g.

benchmarkpkg("Tensors", config)

The id keyword to the BenchmarkConfig does not have to be a branch, it can be most things that git can understand, for example a commit id or a tag.

Benchmarks can be saved and read using writeresults and `readresults respectively:

CI Integration

Tracking changes in performance throughout the development of a package can be automated as part of package CI.

BenchmarkCI.jl provides a convenient way to run a PkgBenchmark suite as part of a package's CI actions.